Workers’ Compensation

Providing Exceptional Legal Service For Over 2 Decades

The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act requires all businesses to have insurance to cover work-related injuries.  If you have been injured at work, our team at The Hopson Firm will ensure that you get all that you are entitled to.  Many insurance companies go to great lengths to keep their injured workers in the dark and treat them like their legal rights are a gift from the job.  We have found that the culture of many employers is to discourage pursuing workers’ compensation claims and even threatening poor job reviews if the claims are pursued.  Do not be afraid to pursue your legal options!  Fortunately, the law provides special punishment for those employers and our team will help you along the way.

When is an injury considered 'at work'?

As long as the injury occurred while “on the clock” or “at work” you are covered.  You do not have to be performing your work duties when it happens.  For example, if you take a break, and slip on a tool left on the warehouse floor, you are covered.

Also, some work injuries develop over time from repeated body motion and overuse of certain parts of the body.  There may not be a specific day and time that you felt “injured”.  For example, you can develop back problems or hearing loss over time that is caused by your work duties.  You will be covered.  We know it can all be very confusing.  Contact The Hopson Firm and we will get you through it.

What Should I Do If I've Been Injured At Work?

  1. Report the injury to a supervisor as soon as possible. 
  2. Seek medical care immediately (even if it’s a doctor your employer tells you to see).
  3. Call an attorney (don’t let your employer choose your attorney).

What Benefits Can I Receive Under Workers' Compensation?

The type of injury and your recovery will determine all that you will be entitled to under Workers’ Compensation.  But at a minimum, every injured worker should expect the employer to pay:

  1. All reasonable and necessary medical care.
  2. Partial salary while off work and recovering (Temporary Total Disability).
  3. Money to surviving family if the injury causes death.

You Need Hopson

The Hopson Firm is here for you and your family! Call us for a free evaluation to get the support, compensation and dedicated legal representation that you deserve.

Call: (312) 648-6145 Mon – Fri 09:00 – 5:00

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·  Mon – Fri 09:00 AM – 5:00 PM